Sledujte naše novinky, abyste byli v obraze, co se týče světa rezidenčních nemovitostí.
First and last name* E-mail* Phone* Your message
For the best offer we still need to know:
Do you want help with a mortgage?* YesNoCan we help you sell your existing apartment?* YesNo
By sending the completed contact form, I grant the company Portal Jungle, s.r.o., IČO: 076 13 750, consent for future contact with me regarding possible career opportunities with this company and/or other companies in the same group. I understand that I may be contacted by phone or e-mail for the above purposes and confirm that I have read the terms of personal data processing. You can revoke this consent at any time (by email sent to
Company name* E-mail* Phone* Contact person* I am interested in: Marketing servicesMarketing and salesOnly insert property
First and last name* E-mail* Phone* My idea of investment*: Up to 3 million CZK3 - 7 million CZKover 7 million CZK
Děkujeme za vyplnění formuláře. Teď je to na nás, během dvou pracovních dnů se Vám ozve náš specialista a vše s Vámi probere.
Děkujeme že jste se přihlásili k odběru naších novinek.